One Earth, One Life..

Saturday, November 04, 2006

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Home Remedies for Cold Sores and Fever Blister

Friday, November 03, 2006

New Glowing Mushrooms Found in Brazil

Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out.

The mushrooms are part of the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent—capable of producing light through a chemical reaction.

Since 2002 Cassius Stevani, professor of chemistry at the University of São Paulo; Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California; and Marina Capelari of Brazil's Institute of Botany have discovered ten more bioluminescent fungi species—four of which are new to science—in Brazil's tropical forests.

The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent.

New Glowing Mushrooms Found in Brazil

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Baseball diamonds in the sky

We're coming up on World Series time once again so it may be of interest to baseball fans that there are two star patterns that very much resemble baseball diamonds in our current evening sky.

Some sky watchers might immediately think of the Great Square of Pegasus, landmark of the autumn sky, as one of these celestial ball fields, and they would be right. This week at around 8:00 p.m., the Square is high in the eastern sky. I know that many planetarium lecturers over the years have always referenced the Great Square as a baseball diamond (even though the "diamond" itself is in rather banged-up condition).

The star, Scheat, in the upper right corner of the Square would mark home plate. The star, Alpheratz, in the upper left corner of the Square marks first base (Alpheratz, in fact, actually belongs to the constellation of Andromeda, the Princess). Algenib, in the lower left corner of the Square is second base, while Markab in the lower right corner is third base.

Baseball diamonds in the sky

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Job at PC plant may raise risk of cancer death

Death rates, both overall and cancer-related, are considerably higher among workers engaged in manufacturing computers and component parts, when compared with the general population, according to a report in the journal Environmental Health.

While similar findings have been reported among employees who work in plants that manufacture computers, semiconductors, integrated circuits and other components, this report involves the largest database to date, Dr. Richard W. Clapp notes in the report.

A court order required that IBM provide to the plaintiffs in litigation "the IBM Corporate Mortality file," maintained by the company. It includes 31,941 records concerning decedents who had worked at their plants for at least 5 years. The data included the sex, birth date, death date, and underlying cause of death for the period from 1969 and 2001.

The lawyers for the plaintiffs handed the records over to Clapp, an epidemiologist at Boston University School of Public Health, to search for patterns of excess mortality among the employees. For comparison with the general population, Clapp procured data from the Mortality and Population Data System at the University of Pittsburgh.

Results showed that among the company employees, proportional mortality ratios (PRM) averaged 107 among men and 115 among women, as compared with the general population.

Cancer appeared to target specific organs, such that among men, the proportional cancer mortality ratios (PCMR) were 166 for cancers affecting the brain and central nervous system, 162 for kidney cancer, 179 for melanoma and 126 for pancreatic cancer.

In women, PCMRs were 212 for kidney cancer and 163 for cancer of all lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue.

There were also excessive numbers of deaths due to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and ALS.

In his report, Clapp notes that employees were routinely exposed to solvents and chemicals such as photoresist; metals, such as arsenic, nickel and chromium; electromagnet fields, especially ultraviolet light, radiofrequency, and x-ray radiation.

"When comparing four plants around the country, the findings were remarkably similar, in revealing excess cancers of the brain, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and kidney, primarily among manufacturing workers," Clapp told Reuters Health.

IBM still may be ahead of Clapp's work, the epidemiologist added, "because they had data to which we had no access, such as job titles, work groups, types and duration of exposure to carcinogenic agents."

Nevertheless, Clapp is optimistic, since "some of these cancers can be screened for, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and kidney cancer, in order to identify cancers at more early, treatable stage," especially when the management staff is aware of who is at higher risk due to their exposures.

Job at PC plant may raise risk of cancer death

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