One Earth, One Life..

Friday, February 10, 2006


Io is the fifth of Jupiter's known satellites and the third largest; it is the innermost of the Galilean moons. Io is slightly larger than Earth's Moon.

orbit: 422,000 km from Jupiter
diameter: 3630 km
mass: 8.93e22 kg

The pronunciation "EE oh" is also acceptable.
Io was a maiden who was loved by Zeus (Jupiter) and transformed into a heifer in a vain attempt to hide her from the jealous Hera.

Discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610.

In contrast to most of the moons in the outer solar system, Io and Europa may be somewhat similar in bulk composition to the terrestrial planets, primarily composed of molten silicate rock. Recent data from Galileo indicates that Io has a core of iron (perhaps mixed with iron sulfide) with a radius of at least 900 km.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Marco Polo and His Travels

"When a man is riding through this desert by night and for some reason -falling asleep or anything else -he gets separated from his companions and wants to rejoin them, he hears spirit voices talking to him as if they were his companions, sometimes even calling him by name. Often these voices lure him away from the path and he never finds it again, and many travelers have got lost and died because of this. Sometimes in the night travelers hear a noise like the clatter of a great company of riders away from the road; if they believe that these are some of their own company and head for the noise, they find themselves in deep trouble when daylight comes and they realize their mistake. There were some who, in crossing the desert, have been a host of men coming towards them and, suspecting that they were robbers, returning, they have gone hopelessly astray....Even by daylight men hear these spirit voices, and often you fancy you are listening to the strains of many instruments, especially drums, and the clash of arms. For this reason bands of travelers make a point of keeping very close together. Before they go to sleep they set up a sign pointing in the direction in which they have to travel, and round the necks of all their beasts they fasten little bells, so that by listening to the sound they may prevent them from straying off the path."
---- Marco Polo, Travels

Marco Polo (1254-1324), is probably the most famous Westerner traveled on the Silk Road. He excelled all the other travelers in his determination, his writing, and his influence. His journey through Asia lasted 24 years. He reached further than any of his predecessors, beyond Mongolia to China. He became a confidant of Kublai Khan (1214-1294). He traveled the whole of China and returned to tell the tale, which became the greatest travelogue.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Clouds are water. Either small liquid water drops or tiny pieces of ice. Meteorologists rank clouds according to their height and whether or not they are flat or puffy.

The graph below is Dan's easy way to remember clouds.

Flat Puffy
Low Stratus Cumulus
Medium Alto stratus Alto cumulus
High Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus

Cumulonimbus(or Thunderstorm)

Nimbus means rain cloud.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Guide to sadhus, Holy Men of India

The sadhus are something like India’s answer to the social security system. They are renunciates who have left behind all material and sexual attachments and live in caves, forests and temples all over India. The word comes from the Sanskrit ‘to practice’ and the practice of meditation is supposed to be what they’re about, more or less.

There are around 4 or 5 million sadhus in India today and they are still widely respected, revered and even feared. No one wants the curse of a sadhu upon them. It is also thought that the austere practices of the sadhus helps to burn off their karma and that of the community at large. Thus society donates money and food to feed them.

There are so many kinds of sadhus it’s hard to get a grip on the whole subject. Some live in the mountains alone for years at a time, eating only a few bananas. Others walk around with one hand in the air for decades until the fingers withdraw into a stump. And some just smoke plenty of charas and look for god in the smoke.

There are naked Naga sadhus with thick dreadlocks who carry swords and there are Agora babas who may eat dog shit and keep company with ghosts in their holy path. Everything has a place in India and there are thought to be infinite paths to God.

Becoming a sadhu is not for everyone. It is supposed to be the fourth phase of a Hindu’s life, after studies, being a father and a pilgrim but for most it’s not a practical option. There are some who fake holy status to gain respect but they are soon found out by any real baba.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Drug swap urged to save vultures

Wildlife experts are urging the Indian government to ban a widely used veterinary drug in order to save vultures from extinction.

Numbers have plummeted in recent years because they are being poisoned by traces of the anti-inflammatory drug, diclofenac, in animal carcasses.

A study published by the Public Library of Science says an alternative drug, meloxicam, is harmless to vultures.

Protecting vultures could help prevent the spread of diseases such as rabies.

Drug swap urged to save vultures

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