One Earth, One Life..

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Roman & Greek Ancient Cities

Leptis Magna is situated 100 km. to the east of Tripoli, Leptis Magna is without a shadow of a doubt, the most glorious Roman Archaeological site in the Mediterranean. Leptis was originally built by the Phoenicians ( The Canaanites ) at the mouth of Wadi Libda in about 1000 B. C. and it was known by this name to distinguish it from Leptis in Tunisia. For six centuries, the city of Leptis Magna was used as an anchorage by Canaanite ships from Tyre and Sidon during their voyages in the Mediterranean.

Leptis Magna is situated 100 km. to the east of Tripoli, Leptis Magna is without a shadow of a doubt, the most glorious Roman Archaeological site in the Mediterranean. Leptis was originally built by the Phoenicians ( The Canaanites ) at the mouth of Wadi Libda in about 1000 B. C. and it was known by this name to distinguish it from Leptis in Tunisia. For six centuries, the city of Leptis Magna was used as an anchorage by Canaanite ships from Tyre and Sidon during their voyages in the Mediterranean.


Friday, November 11, 2005

Animal testing--More than a cosmetic change

Every time you reach for an eyedrop or reapply a lip salve, you do so confident that the chemicals they contain are safe to use. But the toxicology tests on which regulators rely to gather this information are stuck in a time warp, and are largely based on wasteful and often poorly predictive animal experiments. Efforts in Europe are about to change this, and the man charged with bringing toxicology into the twenty-first century is a plain-talking German: Thomas Hartung. Although Hartung acknowledges the immense challenges ahead, he sees this as an opportunity for toxicology "to turn itself at last into a respectable science".

Animal testingMore than a cosmetic change : Nature

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Egypt Pyramids Pharaohs Hieroglyphs

Ancient Egyptian history covers a continuous period of over three thousand years. To put this in perspective - most modern countries count their histories in hundreds of years. Only modern China can come anywhere near this in terms of historical continuity.

Egyptian culture declined and disappeared nearly two thousand years ago. The last vestiges of the living culture ceased to exist in AD 391 when the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I closed all pagan temples throughout the Roman Empire.

Egypt Pyramids Pharaohs Hieroglyphs

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Basic Nuclear Science Information

An atom consists of an extremely small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Although typically the nucleus is less than one ten-thousandth the size of the atom, the nucleus contains more than 99.9% of the mass of the atom! Nuclei consist of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons held together by the so-called strong or nuclear force. This force is much stronger than the familiar electrostatic force that binds the electrons to the nucleus, but its range is limited to distances on the order of a few x10-15 meters.

Basic Nuclear Science Information

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Oil in the Ocean

Major oil spills, such as the Prestige accident off the coast of Spain, pose serious threats to birdlife, fisheries, and marine ecosystems. These spills and accidents during the extraction and transportation of oil rightly get a great deal of publicity. Yet they have historically accounted for a comparatively small percentage of overall oil pollution in the world's oceans; surface runoff and recreational watercraft are responsible for much more oil that ends up in marine environments.

Oil in the Ocean

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Sun

The Sun is the closest star to Earth and is the center of our solar system. A giant, spinning ball of very hot gas, the Sun is fueled by nuclear fusion reactions. The light from the Sun heats our world and makes life possible. The Sun is also an active star that displays sunspots, solar flares, erupting prominences, and coronal mass ejections. These phenomena impact our near-Earth space environment and determine our "space weather."


Sunday, November 06, 2005


The dinosaurs were among the most successful animals ever to live on the Earth. Their reign lasted over 100 million years - and if birds evolved from the dinosaurs, then their descendents are still alive today.


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