One Earth, One Life..

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Grim statistics on world’s poor youth show millions at risk – UN Report

4 October 2005 – More than 500 million youths worldwide live on less than $2 a day, 113 million are not in school, 88 million are unemployed and 10 million have HIV/AIDS, all significant challenges for reaching the 2015 goals of reducing poverty by half, increasing literacy, and improving the health of people around the world, a United Nations report released today says.

Grim statistics on world’s poor youth show millions at risk

Friday, November 04, 2005

7 things you can do to save the rainforest

7 things you can do to save the rainforest, but can you seriously do it?

Logging companies are cutting down some of the most endangered forests on the planet to make wood and paper products such as office paper, phone books, toilet paper, window trim, lawn furniture, and 2 x 4's. Over seventy-eight percent of the Earth's original old growth forests have already been logged or degraded.

You can help reduce the pressure on our remaining forests by taking simple steps to reduce your own wood and paper use. For example, use both sides of each piece of paper, use your own cloth bags at the grocery store, use cloth napkins and towels, and avoid disposable paper plates and cups.

7 things you can do to save the rainforest

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Vesuvius most dangerous volcano in the World

Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy is the world's most dangerous volcano, and a constant threat to hundreds of thousands of people who live in its shadow, an international conference has heard.

Professor Franco Barberi of Rome University made the announcement at the recent 32nd International Geological Congress in Florence--Mount Vesuvius is currently the most threatening volcano in the world, because of the dense population living in the area.The risk is particularly high in the case of a high-intensity eruption, projecting clouds loaded with magma and incandescent matter.

Vesuvius most dangerous volcano, expert.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Man-caused noise pollution of the ocean kills sea animals

Humans create too much noise in the world ocean, which make it a rather uncomfortable place to live for sea animals and fish. Man-caused noise is the source of too much discomfort for underwater animals, who use the sense of hearing as the most important organ of perception. Sounds help sea animals orient themselves in the ocean and also communicate with each other. Scientists believe that the so-called acoustic smog virtually blinds sea creatures, which negatively affects their nourishment and worsens the reproductive function, Le Soir wrote.

Man-caused noise pollution of the ocean kills sea animals

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Space - Space Junk

# 'Space junk' or 'space debris' is any artificial rubbish orbiting the Earth

# This could be anything from jettisoned rocket stages or satellite fragments down to loosened paint chips

# There may be over a million pieces of space junk currently orbiting the Earth. However, all but 9,000 of these are smaller than a tennis ball

Space - Space Junk

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