One Earth, One Life..

Friday, April 28, 2006

Noah's Ark Overview

The Real Noah's Ark!
Top Points to Consider

  1. It is in the shape of a boat, with a pointed bow and rounded stern.

  2. Exact length as noted in biblical description, 515 feet or 300 Egyptian cubits. (Egyptian not Hebrew cubit would have been known to Moses who studied in Egypt then wrote Genesis.)

  3. It is on a mountain in Eastern Turkey, as stated in the Bible, "The ark rested . . . upon the mountains of Ararat" Genesis 8:4. (Ararat being the name of the ancient country Urartu which covered this region.)

  4. Contains petrified wood, as proven by lab analysis.

  5. Contains high-tech metal alloy fittings, as proven by separate lab analyses paid for by Ron Wyatt, then later Kevin Fisher of this web site. Aluminum was found in the fittings which is a MAN-MADE metal!

  6. Vertical rib timbers on its sides, comprising the skeletal superstructure of a boat. Regular patterns of horizontal and vertical deck support beams are also seen on the surface of the ark.

  7. Occupied ancient village at the ark site at 6,500 ft. elevation matching Flavius Josephus' statement "Its remains are shown there by the inhabitants to this day."

  8. Dr. Bill Shea found an ancient pottery sherd within a few yards of the ark which has a carving on it that depicts a bird, a fish, and a man with a hammer wearing a headdress that has the name "Noah" on it. In ancient times these items were created by the locals in the village to sell to visitors of the ark. The ark was a tourist attraction in ancient times and today.

Noah's Ark Overview

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Hunt for Gravity Waves

Gravity is a familiar force. It's the reason for fear of heights. It holds the moon to the Earth, the Earth to the sun. It keeps beer from floating out of our glasses.

But how? Is the Earth sending secret messages to the moon?

Well, yes -- sort of.

Eanna Flanagan, Cornell associate professor of physics and astronomy, has devoted his life to understanding gravity since he was a student at University College Dublin in his native Ireland. Now, nearly two decades after leaving Ireland to study for his doctorate under the famous relativist Kip Thorne at the California Institute of Technology, his work focuses on predicting the size and shape of gravitational waves -- an elusive phenomenon forecast by Einstein's 1916 Theory of General Relativity but which have never been directly detected.

The Hunt for Gravity Waves

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

10 Top Reasons to Go Organic

  1. Organic produce is not covered in a cocktail of poisonous chemicals. The average conventionally-grown apple has 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after rinsing. Trust your instincts, and go organic!
  2. Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed produce. Science says that it's good for you.
  3. Going organic is the only practical way to avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food. And by buying organic food, you are registering your mistrust of GMO's and doing your bit to protest against them.
  4. If you eat dairy or meat products, going organic has never been more essential to safeguard you and your family's health. Intensively-reared dairy cows and farm animals are fed a dangerous cocktail of anti-biotics, growth promoting drugs, anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis, whether they have an illness or not. These drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy produce or meat., which must be a contributing factor to meat-related diseases like coronaries and high blood pressure.
  5. About 99% of non-organic farm animals in the UK are now fed GM soya. And there has never been a reported case of BSE in organic cattle in the UK. Common sense says that organic is safe food.
And more than these...

10 Top Reasons to Go Organic

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

20,000 kidnapped in Iraq this year

NEARLY 20,000 people have been kidnapped in Iraq since the beginning of the year alone, according to a report published today on violence in the war-torn country.

The survey, which underscores the massive social upheaval caused by rebel activity and increasing sectarian conflict, does not give the number of people killed. However, it says 15,462 people have been wounded.

The 19,548 people kidnapped includes 4959 women and 2350 children, according to the report prepared by a group of 125 non-governmental organisations and made public in the Shi'ite holy city of Karbala.

The high-profile seizure of foreigners in Iraq has numbered a few hundred since the practice began two years ago and is usually aimed at scoring propaganda points against the US-led occupation.

In contrast, the thousands of Iraqis being kidnapped are primarily the victims of political rivals and of common criminals seeking ransom.

The report also said an estimated 6877 families have been displaced from their homes. The survey says the true number of displacements is difficult to establish. The authorities have put the figure as high as 10,000 families.

20,000 kidnapped in Iraq this year

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mother's Day Free Cards, Crafts and Projects Moms Break

What would you like to give your mother this Mother's Day? Flower, dinner, a tirp, or just a gift card? If you want mom have a big suprise, then make a craft with your love and thanks.

Mother's Day Free Cards, Crafts and Projects Moms Break

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