One Earth, One Life..

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Bird Discovered On Unexplored Colombian Mountain

A new bird to science was recently discovered on an unexplored mountain range in northern Colombia by a team supported by the BP Conservation Programme. It was named "Yariguies Brush-Finch," with the scientific name Atlapetes latinuchus yariguierum.

The new brush-finch was described by an Anglo-Colombian team of biologists including Thomas Donegan (FundaciĆ³n ProAves) and Blanca Huertas (Natural History Museum and University College London), following their leadership of the first biological exploration of the YariguĆ­es mountains. The description was published in the June issue of the scientific journal Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club (Vol. 126: June 2006).

The new bird is named for the Yariguies indigenous people who formerly inhabited the mountain range where the bird was found. A large and colorful finch with black, yellow and red plumage, the new species differs from its closest relatives in having a black back and no white markings on its wings. It also is found in other nearby mountains in Colombia's eastern Andean range. Genetic, morphological and vocal studies have confirmed its identity as a new taxon.

New Bird Discovered On Unexplored Colombian Mountain


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