Surviving on a low income: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean Pedzi, 29, tells the BBC News website how he manages to get by working as a payments officer in the country's eastern city of Mutare.
"I skip breakfast because I cannot afford to eat three meals a day.
My lunch of stew with sadza [Zimbabwe's staple diet made from maize meal] is subsidised by the company I work for.
Over weekends I will eat sadza and vegetables or some Kapenta fish or two eggs which costs me about 50,000 Zimbabwean dollars (24 cents).
I am studying for my final diploma in credit management.
I cannot afford the classes though and so I just have to get hold of the reading material and then register for the examinations.
This year they cost Z$4m."
Oh, Africa, how can we really help you?
Surviving on a low income: Zimbabwe
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