Nationalities of China

The People's Republic of China officially describes itself as a multi-ethnic unitary state and as such officially recognizes 56 nationalities or Mínzú (民族), within China: the Han being the majority (>92%), and the remaining 55 nationalities being the national minorities. In addition to the 56 official nationalities, there are some Chinese who classify themselves as members of unrecognized nationalities. Also, foreign nationals who have become Chinese citizens form yet another separate group.
Technically, the term "nationality" is incorrect and misleading, rather "ethnicity" is correct, in that none of these groups have their own nation, and thus self-determination. The direct translation of (民族) would be "peoples".
In general, the system of 56 nationalities is applied only within mainland China although Taiwanese aborigines are classified as one of the 56 nationalities - Gaoshan. Hong Kong and Macau do not use this ethnic classification system, and figures by the PRC government do not include Hong Kong and Macau.
The official PRC point of view is that all of these above nationalities are part of a broader "civil ethnicity" known as Zhonghua Minzu.
Nationalities of China
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